Through My Eyes.-EA

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Different angles of self

Human interaction. The many facets of such. All thoughts, feelings, words, that are articulated in millions of nuances, that never end..

Our word meanings that we have created vary as well, being abstract definitions for what we perceive as our individual realities. However, it is all the same, just a different angle of the same spectrum..

In life I tend to not 'fully' articulate myself to others, which in turn then lead to Confusions. This is common today, being the main reason why Humanity is suffering such at this moment..

:For instance:

I left a comment on a friends blog recently, and might not have fully defined myself to my friend, hence this friend not fully 'understanding' what I was trying to speak. Those few moments of thought, that take pages to express in form..

This is one of my 'guilts', that I have, because I do not live up to what I perceive in myself to the point of expectation that I have for, whatever it may be that is important to me..

We all have these things within ourselves, and not achieving a desire, a hope, a struggle, a dream, can bring forth guilt...


If a Person, whomever they may be, is truly loving, then the effort will win the heart of that person, just that one cares brings joy to hearts, and is the action of that feeling within...

Guilt Humans have created, to create fear and loathing in ourselfs, and others, to fill our 'unknowns' that we 'all' have, no matter the strength of those foundations. We cannot become omnipotent in ourselves, or others, for then we give way to the illusion..

This is my largest burden as of now, the desire to know fully, the reality of everything.

I fool myself, as I have done many times before, always leading to the same place, more questions...

:It does matter:

If something burns within our soul, we should never deny it, for then we deny ourselves, of ourselves.. Manifest, yourself, in the way that is free and natural to your soul. Never let any word or thought touch this place, for it is an illusion that the self gives way to, for words and thoughts of another can never touch the place of purity where some hearts do stand. And if we so happen to have such purity in our heart, realize there is no limit then, and we are free!!

It is all of our own choice's...

We are ourselves..

We care...

We are loving....

There is no blame.....! :)

For the difference between a wicked person and righteous, is the simple fact that the righteous one will care about how he treats others, and the effects these actions have on any, even though knowing that this struggle will continue all ones life, the struggle to live up to the idealism's of perfection, that 'we' all create in our hearts and minds, and a wicked person will not care of antother, only themselfs, they are ignorant of love. It does not matter which ones are right or wrong, we dont know that. What matters is that we care enough to feel this love for others and ourselves, and attribute the grand dance of the Universe to something higher than ourselves, for out of fear of being so 'haughty' not to. Or is this action being haughty as well, both are, there is no suitable answer, it is all a long straight line, of a never ending paradox. The dance of nothingness, and everything, all paradoxically the same...

I mostly have written this for myself, as a reflection of my feelings..