Through My Eyes.-EA

Monday, August 29, 2005

Dear Friend


I talked to an old, dear friend via email the other day. It is good to know that she is hanging in there. I believe the core person of who we are when young remains in us all throughout time; some children are good, some are bad. Throughout life external circumstances mold us yes, but the core remains the same, and the core of her is good. Please always remember your love beautiful woman. Darin always know of what you have as a wife, and never be in fear of me, for even if she did still want me I would not deface your marriage, because of fully knowing what the outcome of such unwise actions do to people. Although my love for this woman is strong and will never dim, it is not the same type of love that I once had the privilege to know and fully feel. Never we forget pains of the heart, but with true forgiveness our hearts are set free of these pains. You are the only person outside of my family that I would literally be by your side for in an instant, to die for, and kill for(within reason of course). If you needed me I truly am here. I hope you know these words are true, this is such the love I respectively have for you.